Growing closer in wisdom with yourself, others, and God

Becoming a Student of Men of the Kingdom means more than simply attending a bible study or going on a mission trip. It centers around an immersive, 12-week curriculum designed to help you activate your personal mission field to lead and live for Christ every day of your life. It will surround you with a supportive community of other Christian men driven toward this same goal, diving into topics not discussed elsewhere. Reasons to become a Student of the Men of the Kingdom include:

Tangible, 12-week curriculum that provides actionable steps toward faith-based leadership
Greater understanding of what it means to lead and live only for God
Strong community of like-minded Christian men driven toward a shared goal
In-depth discussion of unique topics not discussed elsewhere
Activation of your personal mission field
Growth as a person and a deepening of relationships
Mentor to help individually shepherd you and guide you through experience
Deep immersion in faith beyond what a bible study or mission trip can offer

Is Men of the Kingdom right for me?

Men of the Kingdom is open to all who are interested in becoming Students, the majority of whom are:

  • Young Christian men
  • Already strong in their faith and communities
  • Looking to strengthen their faith and activate their purpose in Christ
  • Often past members of organizations like FCA, AIA, CCIA, and others
  • Striving to better know God but lacking in the means or platform to do so
  • Searching for a group with which to discuss faith and Jesus’s teachings
  • Interested in improving the world around them
  • Driven to become a faith-based leader in the community

Let’s get started

Becoming a Student of Men of the Kingdom is a simple but rewarding process. Here’s how it works:

  1. Contact us and express your interest in becoming a Student.
  2. We will connect you with a nearby chapter and create a login on your behalf for you to access the curriculum.
  3. Once set up, you will receive information on when and where to meet with your chapter, as well as a timeline for completing the curriculum.
  4. From there you will embark on the 12-week journey toward establishing your personal mission field and activating your purpose in Christ!

Become A Student

Stories from the Kingdom

See how past participants of Men of the Kingdom are activating their purpose in Christ in their everyday lives.

Crucial Conversations

Team Goal: To advance the Kingdom of God through training a team of men to view their entire life as a Mission Field. Our st...
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Fighting Lust and Pornography

Project Goal: To Help men beat their addictions to porn and realize the freedom we have in Christ in such a radical way it ch...
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Boys Breaky

Chase (my MotK project partner) and I had an obvious project thrust upon us, it wasn't even of our own doing but felt like th...
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Leader Testimonial

Watch how Men of the Kingdom has transformed these leader's lives...
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Women's Testimonial

Watch to see how Men of the Kingdom has impacted the relationships with the women in the group's lives. ...
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  • Become A Student

  • Become A Leader

  • Become A Mentor