Broken Mosaics – Jonathon Odom

Project Description:

Have you ever considered why God utilizes poetry in the Bible? The books of Wisdom, The Law, Historical texts, the Letter of the Apostles, and other genres all have clear purpose and storylines, but poetry? I believe poetry in Scripture serves to reflect a creative God; a God who uses creativity to communicate complex feelings, concepts, and truth. Poetry helps illustrate the deepest realities in places where mere words fall short—where the alphabet becomes paint and brush to illustrate the heart of an author. When daily Bible reading can sometimes feel redundant and dry, Christian poetry can serve to refresh and recharge our weary souls. A step further, Spoken Word, also referred to as ‘slam poetry’, is unique in itself. It is an art dependent on both the written word and also on its delivery. ‘Broken Mosaics’ is a collection of poems, most of which were born as spoken word pieces, meant to draw you closer to God. This collection of work is to give your heart and mind words it may not have been able to find previously - to bring a new perspective to our most challenging circumstances, and to minister to your soul.

May you be encouraged and spurred on to the Hope of Christ.

Audience: Christians

Format: Book, audio, video 

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